2023 – Quarter 1, Week 3
It’s week 3 of this 13 week challenge and I have completed the first of my two major targets – the Ambots.
When deciding on a color for this one, I went into my paint cabinet and grabbed a couple of pots that I’ve never played with before – purples! I love the old Dark Elf models and would love to paint some up in the future for a 6th edition WFB project. In the meantime though, an Ambot in their color scheme will do just fine.
After base coating and doing the first highlights, I realized that I didn’t actually have the lightest layer paint (Genestealer Purple) and figured I would mix up a color instead. For this, I selected a Vallejo light grey and mixed it into the Xereus Purple that I had used as the chunky edge highlight. It took a few tries to get a ratio that wasn’t too light, but even they mix I ended up with might be a step too far from the Xereus.
Base | Naggaroth Night |
Wash | Drakenhoff Nightshade |
Re-Base | Naggaroth Night |
Large Highlight | Xereus Purple |
Small highlight | 4:1 Xereus Purple/Wolf Grey |
My second attempt with hazard stripes went a bit better than the first. I was able to minimize the paint overflowing the tape and ended up with a neater overall effect. Looking forward to more masking experience when I move onto the Zone Mortalis terrain pieces.
Scorecard Review
Like last week, I fell short of the weekly time goal that I set for myself. I would have hit the target if I had not simply been feeling lazy Sunday morning. Unfortunately, the night before we were up late with a dog that wasn’t feeling well and didn’t get much sleep. I was completely unable to find motivation in the morning. Keeping track of my time and keeping these blog entries is supposed to help me overcome that lethargy, but it failed this test.
Importantly, I still finished the miniature that I had planned to finish for week 3 and therefore remain on track to complete the Quarter 1 targets. Next up is a box of 10 Van Saar Gangers.
When I planned out this Quarter’s goals, I allotted 3 weeks to the Ambots (1.5 weeks each) thinking that it would take longer than the average gang member. However, I spent the first week building all 12 minis, and then about a week painting each Ambot. The remaining 10 weeks were given to the Van Saar, so, 1 week per mini. I am now wondering if that was too much time for the Van Saar box.
Time will tell.